Testimonials from Past Clients


I came across Nikki at the perfect time a few years ago! I had gotten out of a toxic relationship, feeling lost, not sure what to do to feel better. I had started reading a lot on my own, topics that helped me understand better why I had attracted a certain type of people. However, I had no idea how to apply those lessons to my life and I was extremely hurt. The structure of her program was exactly what I needed and Nikki was the holding hand that I needed at that moment. She showed me step by step how to start loving and respecting myself.  She truly helped me go through that difficult time in my life and helped me grow my self-confidence. I still use the tools I learned with her and I'm so so grateful I came across her.

Stef IA


I followed Nikki on her Facebook group for about 6 months before I made my clarity call. I loved her energy right away and watched her live feeds routinely. I knew that I could learn a LOT from her but I needed to make sure I was setting myself up for success by getting my mentality in a place where I could make the changes I needed to make. Because I knew Nikki would call me out on them!

I’m glad I did.

When it was finally time to make my clarity call, I was so excited and ready to change my life that I dove in head first. I couldn’t continue living the way I was. I felt dead inside. Defeated. I knew that it was now or never. Once I decided to invest the time, energy, and finances toward myself I knew I needed to be in it 100%.

Nikki gave me the tools and guidance I needed to take my relationship with myself to the next level. It was developing THAT relationship that changed my life.

My outlook on life slowly started to change. The exercises, commitment plans, and “homework” dug deep into issues I hadn’t even realized were there. She taught me how to look at these issues, process and deal with them, and then heal them.

Once I got through that I was finally able to rewrite my story, and how I live my life! It has affected every relationship in my life positively.

I am so thankful that I stumbled upon Nikki’s web page and now realize that the universe brought us together for a very important reason. Thank God I listened to that intuition and took the steps to find the help I needed.

My life has forever been changed. Thank you Nikki!!

Lisa Sterkenburg


I definitely recommend Nikki to anyone who feels lost in their life and needs some guidance.

I found Nikki really understanding and approachable about any subject. I do honestly feel that she is truly gifted at this because she has a balance between giving you compassion where you haven't given it to yourself before and also pulling you up on your BS when you need it! But she always does so with grace and no judgment.

I feel that I'm a different person from who I was five months ago and one of the most invaluable lessons Nikki has taught me is how to show up for myself! This has changed my perspective on life completely.

Thank you Nikki xxx

Laura Mitchell


I HIGHLY recommend Nikki and her transformational program Confident Woman Unleashed.

I started working with Nikki when I was transitioning to a new career and struggling with low-self esteem after many failed relationships. I found her when I was searching for retreats to improve my confidence and I feel so lucky to have found her! I had never done anything like her program Confident Woman Unleashed before and was nervous to start - but I am so glad I did. Nikki helped me to take an honest look at myself and my past to learn why I was acting a certain way and how to evolve. I started to understand how my relationship with myself and others was impacting my day-to-day life - and not always for the better.

I learned from Nikki the importance of taking care of myself before focusing on other aspects of my life. Nikki helped me to incorporate simple healthy self-affirming habits into my life that really made a difference in how I feel about myself (like exercise, healthy eating, and reflection). Through working with Nikki, I learned what self-respect really looks like and how I can evolve into the woman I want to be.

Thank you Nikki for helping me so much!

If you are looking to make a change in your life, I urge you to connect with Nikki!

Mercedes Erin


Life was rough. Something needed to change, actually a lot needed to change. I felt like I was drowning. I followed Nikki's Facebook page for months and I finally decided to reach out. After doing my clarity call and visiting with Nikki she so kindly told me I was not ready to work with her. I was devastated at first, I mean how could I not be ready, something needed to change! This alone spoke volumes to me and I realized she was not in it for the money. She was in it to help women become the best version of themselves, BUT I had to be ready to do the work

Fast forward about two years and I was still struggling. I was now divorced and really struggling with my identity and self-worth. Still following Nikki on Facebook and listening to her videos I just felt like she was talking to me. So I decided to reach out and do another clarity call. She said YES! She said I was ready. 

What a life-changing decision this was. Nikki truly listens and does not judge. She is so patient and kind. She has helped me deal with past traumas, she has helped uncover the little girl inside me that desperately needed my love and attention. This has been one of the best decisions I have made for myself. I am a work in progress but I am slowly becoming a Confident Woman Unleashed.

Jamie Frederick

Client testimonial for Nikki McMillan, a Life and Confidence Coach for Single Women

Over the past few months, Nikki has helped me completely transform my life - I went from having almost zero confidence coming out of an emotionally and verbally abusive relationship to having the most zest for life I've ever had!

She provided amazing guidance, support, and just the right amount of brutal honesty when I needed to be called out on my 'BS'. But she did so with an amazing amount of grace and intuition making it so, so easy to show up for me. She's the real deal, and I cannot recommend her enough.

I feel like I've found my light again and can't imagine going back to the old version of me. I'll be forever grateful to her for showing me that, although it's not easy work, it is the most rewarding and fulfilling work you'll ever do.

Working with Nikki is like fast-tracking yourself to exactly where you're supposed to be - it's been a wonderful ride and I am so excited to see where I take myself with these new skills and confidence. xo

Kira Maros

Client testimonial for Nikki McMillan, a Life and Confidence Coach for Single Women

 I listened to Nikki McMillan's videos for about 6 months before I decided to invest in myself and hire Nikki as my life coach. I thought I could get enough information from the lectures, but it was not enough.

I was in the roughest part of my life this year, I was leaving my 2nd marriage at 46 years old. I truly cared about my husband but didn't feel like we were on the same page and didn't feel he truly loved me due to his reactions and harsh words towards me.

I felt that I was not worthy of true love and I felt that I was never going to achieve all of the goals I had set out for myself and life. After my first meeting with Nikki, I realized that she truly does want the best for all of her clients.

Nikki turned my mindset around after we worked through issues I harboured as a child that I never worked through and issues as an adult that I never really processed. I was the strong person for everyone else and never put myself first. After working with Nikki for just a few weeks, my life started turning around; my confidence increased as I moved through significant events of my past.

I learned about boundaries and how to enforce them. My divorce proceedings went smoothly. After my divorce was final, I started dating a wonderful man and I am looking forward to the future.

I couldn't have done any of this without Nikki's assistance and exercises. I know how to love myself, set boundaries for friends, family, and my loved ones, and I am extremely happy with myself. Please call Nikki so you can also have this level of confidence and happiness in your life.

Michelle Wright

Client testimonial for Nikki McMillan, a Life and Confidence Coach for Single Women

I absolutely love working with Nikki.  She is intuitive and is great at helping me learn how to make sense of what motivates my behavior.  She is also extremely honest and forthcoming and this helps me understand how and when some of my unhealthy coping strategies need to be tweaked.  She is always able to approach things in a constructive and caring way and is never judgmental.  This has helped me be as honest as I can be about all aspects of my life.  Nikki-thank you for always being a great listener and for your honesty!

Tammy Franklin

Client testimonial for Nikki McMillan, a Life and Confidence Coach for Single Women

Working with Nikki has literally changed my life!  The best way I can describe her would be raw and real. 

I needed someone to hold me accountable for the direction I wanted my life to go in.  Nikki was that person and is not one to sugarcoat anything.  The first month was a bit of a struggle for me personally.

Once the second month came around, I realized I was in the right spot because I started to see a change in myself.  She gave me many tools that helped me discover some of the poor habits that I carried with me from childhood.  I will continue to use these tools in the future as well.  I would highly recommend her....and Nikki, thank you for being you!

Diamond Wilson

Client testimonial for Nikki McMillan, a Life and Confidence Coach for Single Women

I happened to come across Nikki’s Facebook page on one of my very low days. I watched a few videos and instantly felt like I could easily click with Nikki.

I began my wonderful journey with Nikki soon after. A journey of her helping guide me through finding the traumas in my life that I have allowed to hold me back from loving myself and becoming more confident in myself to begin creating the future I longed for.

I now know the tools to use to continue working on a better version of myself everyday. I feel so much better then a I did months ago, going from completely not even being able to visualize a happy fulfilled future to knowing I can write the future I want with my very own pen, thanks to Nikki’s awesome way of listening and also helping me stay true to myself by holding me accountable to doing the work needed to do so.

I highly recommend to anyone that is hearing that inner voice telling you there’s got to be something more or no longer feeling like your confident self, invest in yourself by starting your very own journey with Nikki!

Danielle Marie

Client testimonial for Nikki McMillan, a Life and Confidence Coach for Single Women

I listened to Nikki’s blogs for 9 months before deciding to call her. She spoke to me on many different levels and when I called her, I knew she could help me because she has been there!

I had years and years of abandonment, trauma, low self esteem and just going through life using coping mechanisms. Not truly loving myself, but not knowing how to start. Nikki helped me get through all of that and I couldn’t be happier!

She is amazing! She listens and gets you to see how you can overcome anything and be true to yourself. She is open, honest, and at times had to steer me back to learning new habits when I resisted the changes. The weekly calls help you gain clarity on your weekly assignments and how you can change perception and daily habits to truly love yourself.

I couldn’t be out here happy and loving myself if it weren’t for her help. Hiring Nikki as my life coach was a total life changer for me! If you’re thinking about it, just do it! Hire Nikki! You will be so very happy that you did!

Shea McNab

Client testimonial for Nikki McMillan, a Life and Confidence Coach for Single Women

Before working with Nikki I really struggled with true authentic communication. I did not want to appear to be cold-hearted stating my needs to people, so I accepted a lot of mistreatment by men in my relationships. This led to exhausting myself mentally, emotionally and physically.

Nikki helped me to understand that I needed to get crystal clear on what I desired in a relationship, not giving my power away to others and demanding that respect from day one. I am still working on communicating in a loving way, but without compromising my needs.

Nikki has helped me to see my self worth and value - which was inside me this whole time.  By people pleasing I was only damaging myself and making myself unhappy and unhealthy in the process. Because of Nikki holding me accountable I am working on being less reactive in situations, becoming aware of those red flags and listening to my intuition and taking the time to BREATHE!!

Nikki has reaffirmed that it is more than OK to make myself a priority. I value her wisdom and her personal experience and transparency in helping me become the best authentic version of myself.  I am so excited to see where I can go with this new mindset.

Jill Taylor

Client testimonial for Nikki McMillan, a Life and Confidence Coach for Single Women

Several months after I found Nikki’s group, I was ready to have her guide me to be the person I always knew I could be.  I wanted my confidence and independence back and she gave me the tools I needed to achieve that.

With her help, I have a great new job making more money, and I am healthier physically and mentally.  Without her help, I definitely would not be where I am today.

Thank you, Nikki for your wisdom and guidance!

Stacy Manning

Client testimonial for Nikki McMillan, a Life and Confidence Coach for Single Women

Hiring Nikki was one of the best decisions I have ever made!  She truly cares about every person reaching their potential and gives you the tools and guidance to do so!  I cannot believe how far I’ve come in the months following my 90 day program!

Not only do I no longer fear change, I seek it because I now trust myself and my decisions!  If you need that extra push living your dreams, you definitely need to give Nikki a call!!

Emily Keranen

Client testimonial for Nikki McMillan, a Life and Confidence Coach for Single Women

90 days ago, I invested in myself and my future by asking Nikki for help. I had been following her page for months liking what I was hearing and lying to myself that I knew this information and that I could do it on my own.

Once again, I found myself in a new city desperately trying to start over making a fresh start, convincing myself this would fix all my problems. Who I was 90 days ago - 28, newly single from a manipulative relationship wanting to still fix things and be with him, in school getting my masters trying to find some kind of passion for work, people pleasing, with low self-confidence and self-worth.

I had had enough of this feeling of being stuck and did not like the direction my life continued to go in. I wanted more for myself and knew I had more to give to the world than what I had been doing the past 6 years. The clarity call with Nikki took all my fears and second guessing that was keeping me from growing. I was ready and determined to make a change for myself.

I was choosing myself without the fear of what others would think for the first time in my life. The first few weeks in her program was very uncomfortable and emotional for me but Nikki was there every step of the way listening, encouraging me to keep digging deeper, and that everything I was feeling is normal.

I was able to talk to her about things I have been ashamed of my whole life because I knew she was not going to judge me but help me better understand myself from my past trauma and how to overcome and rise above past challenges.

Around week three it just clicked for me after the two weeks of fighting the progress. I felt all the heavy baggage from my past lifting, I was happy for really no reason other than I was enjoying the progress I had made, and I was hopeful for my future for the first time in years.

Today I am 28, dating myself for the first time ever, giving my love back to myself, standards are higher for anyone trying to enter my life, feeling passion for a new career that has surfaced for me, and know I am where I am supposed to be in life at this very moment.

If you are second-guessing this 90-day program, I am here to testify that it works and it will work for you too. It works for everyone who shows up and puts in the work it takes to make a real change in your life. The tools Nikki gives you can be used for a lifetime in all aspects.

She is a guide who listens and gives you helpful direction, she calls you out when you need it but she lets you find your own way. I think that is the key to the success! You do the work! You feel yourself making a difference! You are able to see what you are capable of doing!

I cannot thank her enough for all the help, guidance, listening ear, tools, and love she has shown me. Her heart truly is pure and does this because she wants to help women feel empowered and live a beautiful life.

This is not a magic pill that works overnight. I know I still have growing to do but I have the building blocks to make the life I have always wanted and I’m not looking back. Take that chance on yourself, you are worth it and Nikki is here for anyone who truly wants to make a big change in their life. Thank you Nikki!

Kristin Leann

Client testimonial for Nikki McMillan, a Life and Confidence Coach for Single Women

When I reached out to Nikki, I knew I was at a point where I wanted to make some changes but was struggling. I felt stuck and not sure how to move forward.

Nikki listened to me and helped me get clear on my goals. She helped me learn tools to take those first steps and get momentum toward my goals-career, health, confidence, relationships!!

Nikki has a way of connecting the physical and mental aspects of this work with the spiritual depth. I had a lot of inner work and healing to do that she helped guide me through in manageable steps where I was able to build confidence and see results.

I feel very fortunate to have had this chance and I am incredibly happy I made that first step by setting up that clarity call. Not sure where all of this will lead but I know now I am on a path that resonates with my better self. Thanks Nikki!

Dena Damaskinos

Client testimonial for Nikki McMillan, a Life and Confidence Coach for Single Women

Hiring Nikki (cause at the beginning it was this, hiring) was the most wonderful AND scariest decision I've taken in a long time. I was in a bad place, where I truly felt like I did not deserve anything good or positive.

I was struggling to know my worth and applying healthy boundaries. I was hurting pretty bad. I found peace in Nikki, at first. Then I found a friend, a mentor, a coach, a wonderful human being. Truly. If you hesitate, I understand, because as a single mom of 3, I was wondering if this was a good investment, and let me tell you: it was. Now, I know my worth, I feel confident in life, I've found inner peace, which I lost a long time ago.

Thanks, Nikki. Give her a shot. Call her, make that clarity call, for yourself. Xxx

Isabelle Poitras

Client testimonial for Nikki McMillan, a Life and Confidence Coach for Single Women

Nikki helped me change my perspective on how I was viewing the world and my experiences the past year. Once I got away from the “victim” mentality, I was able to take the necessary action to start making some positive changes in my life.

We discussed the importance of forgiveness and self-love, two topics I’ve struggled with most of my life. If you are looking for someone to hold you accountable for developing into a better version of yourself, sign up with Nikki. She’s tough and she will absolutely challenge you.

Change is hard, but she’s the person to help you if you’re up for the task.

Katherine Gehman

Client testimonial for Nikki McMillan, a Life and Confidence Coach for Single Women

If you are struggling in any area of your life, Nikki can help. I started her 90-day program one month ago and the change thus far is unbelievable. I've accomplished more in my veterinary practice than I thought I could in a year!

She will teach you how to transform your entire life by changing daily habits one at a time. She will show you how to truly love yourself and take your power back while cheering you on every step of the way. I highly recommend her to any woman that's READY to put in the work and see every aspect of their life change for the better.

Amanda Allen

Client testimonial for Nikki McMillan, a Life and Confidence Coach for Single Women

I’ve really enjoyed working with Nikki. She’s down to earth and funny, but she’ll challenge you when she needs to.

Since I began working with her, I’ve seen positive results with my businesses, and now I have a whole new way of thinking about my personal life. Just a couple of days ago, I woke up and did my affirmations and had this amazing feeling that the Universe was rooting for me and working for my good. Even better, I was aware of my own power in creating my reality.

I’m so excited about what lies ahead! I can’t thank Nikki enough.

Frances McFarland

Client testimonial for Nikki McMillan, a Life and Confidence Coach for Single Women

Nikki is exceptional at listening and giving you permission to express your journey. She is supportive, calm and so grounded you cannot help but feel safe to allow her into the parts of yourself you would not normally share. Also, intuitive and insightful at the same time to see how some pieces fit while other pieces are missing. This is a true gift!

A gift unfortunately lacking with many mentors and coaches who only listen to reply and not to understand. Her acute listening skills, experience, and genuine caring make you feel for the FIRST time someone is actually hearing and seeing you.

If you are looking for a Coach there is no need to look any further. You found her! Authentic compassionate and patient with lasered insightfulness to lead you to your true self with confidence, courage, and clarity. She will give you the laser focus you need and the truth that needs to be told. It may not be what you want to hear but it will be what you need!

Give yourself a gift! The gift of scheduling a breakthrough call with Nikki and you will feel, hear, and see what I mean.

Toni Taylor

Client testimonial for Nikki McMillan, a Life and Confidence Coach for Single Women

I cannot recommend working with Nikki enough! Since finding her, my business has skyrocketed and I'm manifesting things I never thought possible!

I can't believe I ever second guessed getting a coach to help me take myself and my business to level, and I couldn't have picked a better coach than Nikki!

Dawn Michaela

Client testimonial for Nikki McMillan, a Life and Confidence Coach for Single Women

Nikki is special. She has a unique way of helping me recognize negative patterns and behaviors, and then giving me tools or suggestions to make positive changes.

In one of our first conversations she pointed out that I cared a lot about what others thought of me. Before that conversation I would’ve said that I don’t care what others think of me...but Nikki asked me all the right questions and she was right, I put way too much thought into how others might perceive me, and that is what guided my decision making.

That small insight made a huge impact and has completely changed my thought process. I now make healthy decisions that are what’s best for me - not the decision to placate everyone around me.

Nikki is honest - there’s no fluff with her - which I love. Her goal is to help women and empower them to live their best life! If you’re at a place in life where you feel ready for a change...I highly recommend that you reach out to Nikki. She can help...she really is special!

Jessica Davis

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