Work With Me

If you’re DONE putting yourself last, wasting your time and energy on the wrong men, and playing small in life because you’re afraid to make a mistake and fail - I can help you!


My clients are the following: 

  • Single women

  • Have a pattern of attracting emotionally unavailable men

  • Are afraid to speak and stand up for yourself

  • Struggle with setting healthy boundaries and raising your standards in relationships

  • Struggle with self-doubt, anxiety and uncertainty

  • Have low self-worth and confidence

  • Lack self-trust and self belief

  • Have a habit of people-pleasing making others a priority at the cost of your mental, emotional, physical and even financial well-being

  • Have a habit of self-sabotaging behavior

  • Lack clarity on your next chapter in life


What makes you different from other “coaches”?

Although we work through healing your past, you also have me as a clarity and confidence mentor. I look at the current concepts that you have of yourself now from a conscious and spiritual perspective. What that means to you is that you get a wise-sage-meets-badass life coach. I'm very intuitive, and I don't hide that part. You'll always get a straight, transparent, and honest response from me. 

I'm concerned with getting your self-worth and self-confidence to a higher level FAST – to help you stop leaking your energy and power where it doesn't belong. And get you focused on replacing negative thoughts and habits with self-respecting ones. You may not like what I have to tell you at times– but you can be sure I will always tell you the truth. The truth about what's standing in the way of being who you authentically are and how to get rid of it quickly so you can start creating the life and relationship you're worthy of and deserve (and I throw in a healthy dose of humor and inspiration, which always helps!)

life coach for single women

Here’s what my clients say


Nikki is special. She has a unique way of helping me recognize negative patterns and behaviors, and then giving me tools or suggestions to make positive changes.

In one of our first conversations she pointed out that I cared a lot about what others thought of me. Before that conversation I would’ve said that I don’t care what others think of me...but Nikki asked me all the right questions and she was right, I put way too much thought into how others might perceive me, and that is what guided my decision making.

That small insight made a huge impact and has completely changed my thought process. I now make healthy decisions that are what’s best for me - not the decision to placate everyone around me.

Nikki is honest - there’s no fluff with her - which I love. Her goal is to help women and empower them to live their best life! If you’re at a place in life where you feel ready for a change...I highly recommend that you reach out to Nikki. She can help...she really is special!

Jessica Davis

What type of personality do you work best with, and what's expected of me?

‘A Confident Woman Unleashed’ was designed for women who are READY and committed to taking their life and power back- this means not running around all day long beating yourself up, saying things like: "I'm not good enough. Who am I to think I could do something like that. I hate my body - why do I even care.

This program was created to help you realize that you can build a meaningful and purposeful life on your terms. When you have clarity and confidence in yourself, that's how you create the life and relationship of your dreams.

Being a committed go-getter myself, I'm known to work best with other committed go-getters - women who will do whatever it takes and will find a way to overcome obstacles no matter what stands in their way. My clients often tell me – "Just tell me what to do, and I'll do it!

Consider what you'll do with me to be a high-octane crash course on everything you need to do to overcome your past, a recent breakup, and bad habits that keep you stuck. You will be expected to take committed and consistent action. No more excuses, just a very different way of thinking and full support from me while you achieve this exciting goal of becoming ‘A Confident Woman Unleashed!’


 What type of women are your programs
NOT going to work for?

Please know I'm very selective in who I work with, and I cherry-pick my clients, choosing to (gently) turn away those who aren't suited for my program and won't get the results for which they would have signed up. (It wouldn't be fair to you.) 

"A Confident Woman Unleashed" is NOT for those who aren't willing to invest in themselves and aren't "coachable." It's been my experience that women who don't see the value of investing in their healing and personal development, and who are not open to honest feedback do not trust the recommendations I give them and do not do the work required to get the results they're expecting. 

If you fall within this category, do yourself a favor - find a way to get the help and support you need right now because the way you've been showing up in life and your relationships hasn't been working. Doing this will help you get primed for our work. When you feel more ready, book that clarity call!

Other types of personalities I won't work with (without exception) are individuals who always have excuses for not taking action. If you are one of these women, I gently and respectfully ask that you not book a call. We'll probably not work well together, and I wouldn't want you to waste your time or money.


Does this really work?

Absolutely! The result of our work together is an approach to shifting your mindset and daily habits so that with time and consistency, you'll notice NEW RESULTS in every aspect of your life.

life coach for single women

Here’s what my clients say

How quickly can I expect results?

That depends on how quickly you can make those inner shifts. Some clients are ready to transform their life and relationships in a very short time frame, sometimes even a few weeks, while others have a little more work to do first. 

How can I guarantee myself I will get the results I want and expect?

Do all of your homework. Be totally committed to your success. Understand that this is a proven process that works if you take action and implement everything you’re learning. The women I have helped who have diligently applied every step of "A Confident Woman Unleashed" have created a fulfilling life on their terms.

life coach for single women

Based on everything I've learned about you, I know you're the one I want to work with. What next?

I'm EXCITED to learn more about your situation and help you, book a FREE 30-Minute Clarity Call to learn your next steps!