About Nikki

How long have you been helping women, and how did
you become a Life & Relationship Coach?

To answer this question, I want to share with you a defining moment and a resulting "compelling story" that brought me to where I am today – coaching women, just like you, how to rediscover your TRUE self-worth and confidence, so you’ll finally have the courage to create a fulfilling life on YOUR terms - no excuses!

That defining moment happened in 2015 when I turned 30. 


When I was 20, I decided to drop out of college because I was given an incredible opportunity to accept a six-figure sales position during my summer break, and I was killing it in this job. So, logically, I couldn't understand why I should go back to school when I was making more money than a lot of my friends parents were making.

But I was naïve and didn't understand the market, ouch! When the 2008 recession hit, I lost everything! This affected all sense of my self-worth, confidence, and threw me into a major identity crisis. I went from making 120k a year, owning a beautiful condo, fancy car, having total independence to moving in with my grandmother. 

I felt so freaking defeated! I had hit rock bottom and couldn't imagine how my life could be worse. I felt like people were laughing at me, judged and criticized my unconventional decision to drop out of college for a career that completely fell apart. 

Get this, then I started a negative relationship which did a bang up good job at reinforcing my belief that my life would not get any better. He was content living at home with his parents and accepting a mediocre life job hopping every few months and playing video games on the couch.

But, I still had this small hope inside me and believed on a deep level that my life and career could turn around if I didn’t give up and settle. I started reading that book everybody knows about, “The Secret” and tons of other books on personal development. Let me tell you, reading material like this really helped me changed my perspective on how I approached life and success.

Shortly after, I came across a new career opportunity that put me back on a six-figure income projection, left the depressing relationship behind and continued on a path of personal and professional growth.

life coach for single women

I started working for a life insurance organization - it was thrilling at first but then became a very toxic work environment. I hustled my ass off 24/7 to keep my position as a top performer in the company. I was learning valuable information from my mentors, but it all felt very conditional. 

I wanted more money and more recognition for my hustle, but the more I worked, the more I achieved at the risk of my mental and physical health. I was a top sales rep in the company, often winning awards and recognition which was great. However, I quickly discovered the limelight was really lonely. 

I spent a lot of my time and energy keeping up the pace of my career. I traveled across the country for meetings and trainings, hardly sleeping six hours a night and eating a lot of fast food, yuck! I discovered the more time passed, the more depressed and overweight I became. 

I was seeking love and approval from a career and leaders that would only reward my results and never felt truly valued. Not sleeping was taking its toll, and the weight gain from a lack of working out and driving in my car for hours each day caused excruciating back pain and self-image issues.

Not only was my professional life becoming miserable now, but I started making poor choices in men again. My standards were low because in all honesty, I didn't want to be lonely. I grew up in a home of drug and alcohol addiction, which shaped the need to get love and approval from others at any cost. I believed becoming successful would fill that void, but it only led to more problems. I was grateful to be working, but I wasn't happy.

life coach for single women

Things started to shift after I got honest with myself. It was years of hustling in my career, gaining a ton of weight creating severe health issues, and dating men who were only there to fill a void because I was lonely, that caused me to hit rock bottom again. 

My relationships were not about true partnership. There were more about the perception of what I thought my life was supposed to look like on the outside. I finally realized that no matter how many men I dated, how much money I earned, or how much recognition I received, I was still profoundly unhappy. 

Shortly after this realization, I hired a life coach to help me “fix” my life. It was the best thing I ever did for myself and future. My beautiful coach taught me how to process and heal years of pain and abandonment from my past that I had suppressed for years, how to accept and love myself unconditionally, and how to have compassion for my journey and move through life with more trust and confidence.

She showed me step-by-step EXACTLY how to take my power back and create a fulfilling life on MY TERMS.




Five months later, I met a man who changed my life and is now my husband and an incredible father to our lovely daughter. I cleaned up my past and started teaching other women how they could do the same, and I've watched their self-worth and confidence skyrocket!

Since then, I've worked with many women one-on-one and have hosted empowering retreats all over the United States.

I created ‘A Confident Woman Unleashed’ my 90-Day Signature Program for single ambitious women who are committed to doing their inner healing and personal development work, too.

life coach for single women