Don't let money be the reason you stay

Dear Queens,

Never let money be the reason why you stay stuck in a toxic relationship, soul-sucking job or a body and mind that causes you so much pain and discomfort.

Remember that money is abundant and everywhere. The amount you earn is in direct proportion to the value you bring to others in the world, and I would argue that it's also in direct proportion to the value and worth you feel from within.

If you are someone who earns a lot of money because you've built a successful business or work for a successful company or corporation, and you know your worth, respect and love yourself undeniably, I bet you're really good with your spending habits, savings and investments.

And, If you are someone who earns a lot but seems to spend excessively, gives your money out freely with no questions asked or feels obligated or guilt tripped into doing so, and are constantly stressed about the next paycheck or commission check coming, then the likelihood is you suffer with some pretty deep self-worth issues of not ever feeling "good enough", loved or seen. These beliefs and feelings mostly root from childhood.

This was my story for over a decade and it was awful. Everyday I worked my butt off to make a good living, and every day I worked even harder to get acknowledgement, love and approval from others at the cost of my hard earned money and financial security.

How many of you are doing this now in your own life?

How much is it COSTING you?

Not only was I going into debt again in 2014, I was also suffering from chronic back pain and yet another toxic relationship. Come 2015 I had enough of just surviving and making ends meet. That's when I discovered Life Coaching and had the blessed opportunity to get the help I needed in ALL the areas of my life I was suffering in: Emotionally, Physically, Financially and Spiritually.

It was hard making a decision to invest in my personal growth financially because I had been so use to taking care of everyone else and keeping up with appearances. But, these actions and behavior were no longer sustainable. I HAD to make a change and a BIG one. So I did! My life hasn't been the same ever since, thank you God!

It was just 5 months after working with my Life Coach that my life took a complete 180. I met an AMAZING man (my now fiance), we started traveling the world together (get your butt to New Zealand! One of the most beautiful places in the world), I healed years of chronic back pain, lost the excessive 20 pounds of weight I'd been carrying and have kept it off for over 4 years, I bought a gorgeous home with my man that's well within our means (I no longer feel the need to keep up with the "Joneses" because I know exactly who I am and my worth.) MOST rewarding and purposeful of all was taking the steps to start my own Life Coaching Practice helping women who are in a place now where I was 5 years ago, women who are JUST LIKE YOU take their Life+Power back so they can start living on their terms without second guessing themselves and their worth!

If you are COMMITTED to overcoming your old habits, limited beliefs, repeated relationship patterns and more, I can help you! This is the deep inner work I've been teaching my clients for the past 4 years in 'A Confident Woman Unleashed' my 90 day signature program.

Learn more at

If what you've learned resonates and rings home to you, I invite you to book in a FREE 30 Minute Clarity Call to learn your next steps in how to work me ASAP. Hope to be chatting soon!😘

BIG Hugs,



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