Communication in relationships

Are you having a CHALLENGING TIME with communication, speaking your truth and overall just being able to express your feelings with others in a healthy way?

Are you experiencing more and more frequent lashing-out moments that are destroying your relationships?

Do you feel your thoughts and behavior are getting in the way of you being able to have trustworthy and fulfilling relationships?

I hear you my love. I can relate very well. I felt the same way in my own life for YEARS. I couldn't understand why I felt like I had to defend myself to the extreme. Like I always had to keep a wall up to guard my heart and emotions. There was no getting in to see the real me, oh heck no, that was WAY TOO RISKY for my soul.

But, then my life was starting to feel more and more lonely, empty and purposeless. These feelings where starting to take over my day-to-day basic living. I was drinking more, sleeping in later, overeating, slacking in work which led me to feeling VERY overwhelmed each day. I was dating non-stop and even guys I had no interest in whatsoever. I just started to feel blah and numb each day. Trying to protect myself at ALL COSTS was only causing me more pain than it was safety and security. My strategy of keeping the wall and armor up wasn't working as good as it once did.

Recognizing this led me to seeking some outside help. Well this AND another massive heartbreak! I was turning 30 years old and thought to myself - I cannot go on another year pretending like I am fine, this is too fucking painful. Something has got to change! That's when I started seeking out help and discovered life coaching. My coach was a godsend, truly. She was genuine yet honest and extremely inspiring. She taught me so much on how to heal my heart by processing suppressed emotions and how to be kinder to myself. How to forgive myself and others, and how to let go of what was no longer serving me. She was also REALLY GOOD at holding me accountable in showing up for myself to do what I said I wanted and needed to do in my personal and professional life. This I find is key to following through, accountability!

It was just 5 months later after working with her that I met my fiance, started traveling the world three to four times a year with him by my side, got my health back on track, reconnected on a deeper level with some of my family and cultivated new fulfilling friendships with women who were on the same personal growth journey I was on. It's also when I decided to become a women's life coach myself. Powerful changes and improvements in a short time frame, huh?...

For the past 5 years I've been teaching women JUST LIKE YOU all over the world how to create and build the same in their own life in "A Confident Woman Unleashed" my 90 day signature program! If you are ready to be next, I'd love to help! Book in a FREE 30 minute Clarity Call to learn your next steps!😘




Are you living the life you want


Commitment to self