Are you living the life you want

Today is another day, another AMAZING opportunity for you to show up for yourself!

Aren't you TIRED of putting yourself and needs last?

Aren't you FED UP with pretending like all is good?

Aren't you SCARED of letting more time pass you by where you aren't living a fulfilling and purposeful life on your terms?

I mean shit I know I was and I know YOU feel the same. Look my love, nobody is coming to save you and nobody is coming to fix your problems. This is 100% YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. Continuing to wait around, procrastinate, make excuses and feel sorry for yourself will not get you far.

HOW DO I KNOW? Because this is how I lived and played life for over a DECADE and man oh man was it a shit show! I kept waiting, fantasizing and tried to force certain outcomes that were WAY OUT OF ALIGNMENT with my values and truth. Where did it get me? Rock bottom to be exact.

Things got REALLY bad in my life - my relationships, physical health, with my finances and my mental health before I got the message and listened to what the Universe/God was trying to tell me. It didn't have to be this way, but it was the route I chose at the time.

What path are you on at the moment?

HOW is it making you feel?

Is it time for a NEW DIRECTION that feels more natural and aligned...

When I turned 30, I had had ENOUGH! I couldn't take the mistreatment from men anymore, the one-sided behavior from family, the conditional approval from colleagues and the betrayal to myself. It was causing TOO MUCH pain, loneliness, anxiety and burn-out. It had to end, and that's exactly when I decided to close that chapter of my life and to start on a new story.

Thank GOD/UNIVERSE that I did!!!✨💛✨

Fast forward to today - I'm engaged to an AMAZING man, doing work in the world that is crazy FULFILLING, in the healthiest shape of my life physically, emotionally and financially and I get to do and enjoy ALL of these beautiful things on MY TERMS!! You can't keep me from traveling, it's one of my biggest values! The lifestyle I've created has allowed me the freedom to do so whenever I want. Life has been pretty freaking amazing these past several years - ALL DUE TO taking personal responsibility for myself. Period!

Are you READY to do the same, ready to "rewrite your story" and to take your Life + Power Back ASAP?! If yes, I can help you! For the past 5 years I've been helping my clients one-by-one in "A Confident Woman Unleashed" my 90 day signature program overcome and heal from their past, reprogram their subconscious mind, rediscover their TRUE self-worth, value and confidence and create new healthy DAILY habits mentally, physically and financially. If you are ready to get to work in doing the same for yourself, book in a FREE 30 minute Clarity Call to learn your next steps! Serious inquires only please!

BIG Hugs

Nikki 😘

"I listened to Nikki McMillan's videos for about 6 months before I had decided to invest in myself and hire Nikki as my life coach. I thought I could get enough information from the lectures, it was not enough. I was in the roughest part of my life this year, I was leaving my 2nd marriage at 46 years old. I truly cared about my husband but didn't feel like we were on the same page and didn't feel he truly loved me due to his reactions and harsh words towards me. I felt that I was not worthy of true love and I felt that I was never going to achieve all of the goals I had set out for myself and life. After my 1st meeting with Nikki I realized that she truly did want the best for all of her clients. Nikki turned my mindset around after we worked through issues i harboured as a child that I never worked through and issues as an adult that I never really processed. I was the strong person for everyone else and never put myself first. After working with Nikki for just a few weeks my life started turning around my confidence increased as I moved through significant events of my past. I learned about boundaries and how to enforce them. My divorce proceedings went smoothy. After my divorce was final, I started dating a wonderful man and I am looking forward to the futrure. I couldn't have done any of this without Nikki's assistance and exercises. I know how to love myself, set boundaries for friends, family and my loved ones, and I am extremely happy with myself. Please call Nikki so you can also have this confidence and happiness in life." ~ Michelle Wright

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