Commitment to self

HOW COMMITTED are you to making a better life for yourself?

HOW LONG have you been struggling?

DO YOU think it's fair to accept that it will take some time to turn things around? (You know because you didn't get where you are right now overnight so how is it fair to expect that everything will change in just a few weeks.)

ARE YOU WILLING to start taking responsibility for yourself, life and future moving forward if it means that EVERYTHING IS GUARANTEED to improve in your life gradually step-by-step one day at a time?

Here's the deal my love. The #hardtruth is you really didn't get where you are right now in life and love overnight. Nope! You got here with YEARS and years of certain thinking, busted beliefs, habits, choices and settling. Hey, I'm not judging or criticizing you, I did the same shit in my own life for over a DECADE. When I turned 30, that's when I consciously decided to turn my life around.

It was years of people pleasing, settling for less in love and working myself to chronic pain and massive debt that I finally hit rock bottom. I couldn't take it anymore! I couldn't take myself anymore, I was so fed up with my self-betrayal choices and putting myself on the back burner for others approval and acceptance of me that I crashed and HARD 6 years ago.

This was when I threw my hands up and admitted that I needed some fucking help! I couldn't keep trucking along day by day pretending like everything was amazing in my life. It all looked good on the outside but on the inside, DROWNING!!! Anxiety attacks, big bouts of depression that lasted for days, yo yo weight issues and WAY TOO MUCH wine. Oh, and way to many loser men coming in and out of my life. GOT SICK OF IT!!! That's when I discovered Life Coaching, invested in myself even though I was scared as shit and got to fucking work on CHANGING MY LIFE!!

Fast forward, today I'm engaged to an AMAZING man, in the best shape of my life physically, emotionally and financially woohoo! Bought a lovely cape cod home with my guy, have been able to travel all up, down and around the world with my fiance by my side and BEST OF ALL have had the pleasure and privilege of teaching other women JUST LIKE YOU how to create the same fulfillment and love in their own life and relationships!

For the past 5 years I've been coaching my clients in "A Confident Woman Unleashed" my 90 day signature program step-by-step on how to take their Life & Power Back in ALL AREAS of their life. This isn't rocket science. Promise! It just requires YOU to be serious, ready and committed to learning and applying a new way of showing up for yourself each day and doing so with just one-step at a time. That's it!!

If you are ready to start waking up each day FEELING EMPOWERED, excited and confident about your life and how to start living and enjoying it on YOUR terms, then I would love to hear from you! Book in a FREE 30 minute Clarity Call to learn your next steps! Serious inquires only please! Can't wait to see you on the inside!😘

BIG Hugs,



Communication in relationships


Boundaries give your peace