Anxiety and self-doubt

Do you struggle with overwhelming anxiety and self-doubt on a DAILY basis?

Are you always concerned about others needs and desires being met before your own?

Have you reached a point of total exhaustion like your on the very cusp of hitting rock bottom for the first time ever, or maybe even second time mentally and emotionally?

I get YOU, I honestly do! I vulnerably admit being the same type of woman in my own life for over a DECADE. I was was the one in the circle who would run around like a basket case obsessing over everyone's needs being met. Obsessing over making sure everyone felt comfortable, happy and taken care of. Obsessing over being the one who had it all together which made it look like (from the outside) I had plenty to give and offer. Obsessing over doing, doing, doing to show my worthiness, lovability and good heartedness.

ALL of this OBSESSING over others needs being met before my own and doing ANYTHING I could to get their approval, acceptance and love led me down a path of massive resentment, frustration and fear. I was so not in a good place and it was showing up BIG time in my mental, emotional and physical health.

I gained 20 pounds over the course of a year and half, developed a chronic back pain to where it was torture to both sit and stand, got into a shit ton of debt because I was trying to "buy" my way to happiness and approval, and MOST painful of all was I allowed myself to be treated like the last option on the rack in my romantic relationships. I sacrificed so much of my emotional well-being for so long with men all because I didn't want to be lonely or have the title of "single". The interesting thing, the most alone I've EVER felt in my life was when I was actually in a "relationship" funny, huh?

This was how I lived my life for OVER 10 years!

Can you imagine!?

Are you living something similar right now?

It wasn't until I fessed up that something needed to change, well actually until I ADMITTED that I needed to change my ways. It's fucking hard getting honest with yourself and LOOKING at how you've been showing up in life. I struggled with this greatly, no walk in the park that's for freakin' sure!

After some time of trying to "fix" my life on my own and not getting very far with doing so, I decided to search and ask for help. This is when I discovered Life Coaching. I found my life coach on Facebook believe it or not, haha it's not all photo shopped, doom and gloom news and pretenders on social media afterwards, yay!

Fast forward to my life today, I'm so freaking blessed and loved! Universe, Creation, God or whatever you would like to call it is FULL of miracles! FULL of miracles when YOU show up and DO YOUR PART too! I've met the man of my dreams, sexy as European (can't wait to make our babies together💋) I have the freedom and means to travel multiple times a year around the world with my love by my side, have nurtured myself back to great health NO MORE chronic back pain or extra 20 pounds, now experiencing healthy mutually beneficial relationships with family and friends (gotta have those boundaries and standards ladies with ALL people in your life not just in romance) and MOST rewarding of all is being able to help women JUST LIKE YOU create and build the same for yourself!!

For the past 4 years I've been teaching my clients in 'A Confident Woman Unleashed' my 90 day signature program in just 8 simple steps EXACTLY how to take their Life + Power back for good!! If you want to be next, I invite you to schedule in a FREE 30 Minute Clarity Call with me ASAP to learn your next steps. LIMITED spots available! Book your call pronto!!

With love,



Breaking up


Fearing the unknown