The best gift you can give yourself

The best gift you can give yourself each day is to start your morning off intentional and grounded. Because when you wake up with a purpose and feel like you can trust and rely on yourself every day (or at least most days), then you can bet you'll be productive, open and excited to taking worthwhile risks, feeling hopeful about a particular outcome, and overall just feel a knowing that all will work out how it's meant to.

We also need not to forget that waking up each day requires you to be intentional about your evening routine as well. You hear and read me talking a lot about having a great morning practice, routine or ritual. But, let's not forget that in order to have a great start to the morning you must also take good care of yourself in the evening. So, make sure you get a good nights rest. Don't over-do the glasses of wine, Netflix, social media or skip brushing your teeth and washing your face.

How you put yourself to bed each evening determines how your morning will kick off, the flow of your afternoon, the outcome of your week, the results you create throughout this month, and where you end up at the end of the year.

How do you feel about your life's path currently?

Do some things... habits, choices, actions, behaviors, thoughts, people or environment need to be updated?

If so, love yourself enough to make these self-honoring and self-respecting changes. Your future depends on it. And you're worthy and deserving of better, of happiness, of joy. Yes, You! 💕☕️




What! I have to take responsibility?!


Self-Care needs to be ranked high