Set high standards

MYTH: The more I sacrifice, obey and be nice the more I will be appreciated, respected and loved by others.

TRUTH: The more you RAISE your standards, increase your feelings of self-worth and self-esteem the more you will magnetize the RIGHT people and opportunities to you.

So many of us get caught up in this "nice girl" way of living, believing that the more you make yourself available, are super kind, super pleasing towards others wants and needs that you will receive the same in return.

This is a MYTH my love.


Okay, well let me ask you then, how long have you been giving, giving, giving and not receiving in return?

How long have you been making your wants and needs lesser of a priority and been FEELING angry, frustrated and resentful towards others because YOU are the one putting yourself on the back burner?

It's nobody else's fault for not being able to read your mind, meet your standards and your needs in ANY type of relationship.

It's YOUR job and responsibility to speak up and communicate what you need and want with clarity and confidence, period!

How do you do that?

Well, first you RAISE your freakin' standards. Second, you practice taking care of yourself lovingly and consistently. Third, you get honest with what is and what isn't acceptable in relationship, and FOURTH you walk away from what is no longer serving you...period!


If you're waiting for this guy, girl, friend or who the hell ever to change their ways, YOU will be waiting for a VERY LONG TIME!!!

Don't do this to yourself, it's not worth the pain and suffering especially when there is a MUCH better way.

Listen, most of us weren't taught how to love ourselves, how to have healthy standards and boundaries or how to speak our truth. We just weren't. Our parents definitely didn't learn this way of being along with many others in the world, so of course it's not programmed into your subconscious either and that's alright you can start learning NOW.

If you're sick n tired of settling for less in relationships and are ready to begin experiencing true love, connection, joy and fulfillment in them, I can help you! I've been teaching this work for over 4 years now in 'A Confident Woman Unleashed' my 90 day signature program and I invite you to book in a FREE 30 minute call with me today if you are truly committed to creating the relationship and life of your DREAMS!!! Ready and committed women only please. Book today, spots are filling up! Click here: 😘


Teach others how to love you


Create happiness from within