Get back up and try again

Happy Wednesday aka Hump Day Ladies!!

I hope you beautiful souls are off to a great start this morning! I am. I'm enjoying my usual as I type this post out - my sprouted whole grain toast with grassfed butter and my very bright green matcha latte! Yum yum and yum, can't get enough!☕️🥐

So, here's the deal and #truth, even though we are half way through the week almost to the weekend, this doesn't mean shit about being free and being able to enjoy life more. Nope, not really! What it means for most is "okay cool I get to numb out with some wine and t.v., spend money on stupid things I don't need, waste a LOT of time and emotions on online dating apps because I'm no where near ready to be dating again because I haven't even healed and let go of my last relationship, but oh well this one could be different so why not."

Sounds harsh a bit, I'm aware of that love, But, IT'S THE TRUTH! Someone has got to speak truth and honesty into you, that's how we learn and then maybe just MAYBE you'll wake the fuck up and start realizing that YOU have got to take better care of yourself emotionally. You already know continuing to look outside of yourself for things to make you feel better isn't the best recipe, so WHY do you keep repeating these behaviors over and over?

YOU KNOW they only lead to more problems, drama, disappointment, heart break, debt, weight gain and so on. PLEASE STOP DOING THIS TO YOURSELF!! You deserve so much better and are worthy of SO MUCH MORE!! YOU truly are.💛

HOWEVER, me telling you this everyday isn't going to cut it. YOU my love have to start speaking, believing and practicing this self-talk for yourself EVERY DAY. Yes, EVERY DAY!

You see, you have YEARS under your belt of thinking thoughts of "I'm not enough" "I'm not lovable" "I'm too complicated" "Other women can have and do that, but not me." And a bunch of over bullshit phrases like these.

JUST IMAGINE if you spoke to a little 3 year old like this everyday for the next 30 years of his/her life. You think she would feel worthless, like a nobody and what's the point in even trying?! OF COURSE SHE WOULD! You thinking these thoughts about yourself and believing these beliefs about your life every single day, of course is going to keep you settling for WAY LESS, tolerating abuse or disrespectful behavior from others and staying stuck in a soul-sucking job!

YOU MUST BE WILLING to do the "deep inner work" necessary to heal from these thoughts and beliefs and programming that's lodged in your subconscious mind. The more time that passes by without you healing from your childhood wounding and broken heart relationships, the more you'll end up attracting the same painful experiences into your life OVER AND OVER. I know this because I've lived it for 30 YEARS! It wasn't until I learned how to heal from my past, create new concepts of myself, new healthy DAILY habits, how to raise my standards and set boundaries that my life started to change and FAST!!!

If you are READY to learn how to do the same for yourself, then I can help! For the past 5 years, I've been teaching my clients in "A Confident Woman Unleashed" my 90 day signature program how to take their LIFE & POWER BACK IN RECORD TIME!! If your up for this 90 day journey, up for letting go of the past and "rewriting your story" book in a FREE 30 minute Clarity Call to learn your next steps! Chat soon love!😘




Self-Care needs to be ranked high


You're worth the same love that you so freely give to others