Committed to healing.

Having goals is vital to get to where you want in life personally, romantically, and professionally. You need to have a vision for what you desire in a relationship, how you wish to feel each day in what you do, and just about yourself. All of these thoughts, feelings, and visions are important, of course.

But, as soon as your plan doesn't go 100% your way, please don't assume that something is wrong with you. It doesn't mean that you aren't worthy or deserving of your dreams. No, my love, it doesn't mean this at all. You not getting what you want when you want means that you have more healing and letting go to do first.

In 2008 when the real estate crash happened, I lost everything. And I mean everything - my job, my boyfriend, condo, relationship with my family was in turmoil, I was barely able to make my car payments and ended up having to move in with my grandmother. Here I was, 24 years old, living a pretty successful life, and then bam, the market crashes, and my life flipped upside down overnight. I lost my sense of self-worth, self-confidence, and identity. I felt like a big fat failure, totally ashamed of myself and embarrassed about how my life was unfolding. Talk about feeling worthless and not good enough. That was so me.

After feeling sorry for myself for months, I decided to create a vision board, which I had read about in a book. On my vision board, I had a nice practical car, a healthy toned fit athletic picture of a woman, and a woman dressed in nice business clothes with a briefcase. Images of beautiful beaches, a picture of a good looking man, and a stack of one hundred dollar bills. I'd stare at my vision board every night and every morning with my hand on my heart for 10 minutes, feeling what it would feel and be like to be living this life.

Eight months later, I discovered a new work opportunity. I started traveling all around the state with my laptop and making really good money. I also got my own place, was exercising every day, getting into shape, making new friends at work, and winning Caribbean trips due to my work performance. You could say I was living most of my "vision board" dream.

The guy I was dating at the time, however, wasn't right for me. So, I left him. When I left him, I spent hardly any time single and hopped right into another relationship, only this time with a narcissist. I ended up getting into debt again, gaining weight, losing trust in myself, and contact with friends.

The point of my post is this: the Universe always has a better plan for you. Always! There is NO BYPASSING your healing work. Most people try to control, force, and manipulate their desired outcomes in life, causing you more pain and suffering and for a lot longer than necessary. Too many of you haven't spent enough time healing from your past, which is why you keep repeating the same patterns in life, personally, romantically, and professionally.

You need to learn how to really heal from your past, forgive yourself and others, and truly let go. The more you resist and fight doing so, the longer you'll remain in pain and suffering. You have to work on changing your old outdated patterns and habits, period. 

If you're not sure where to begin, I can help you! I've been teaching this "deep inner healing work" for the last five years in "A Confident Woman Unleashed," my 90-day signature program. It's for women who are committed to transforming their personal, romantic, and professional lives, and FAST! If you're ready to start this journey, I invite you to schedule a free 30 minute Clarity Call to learn your next steps! Serious inquires only, please. See you on the inside!




The most reliable way to predict the future is to create it


You have to want change more than you fear it.