Are you a bully toward yourself in your own head?

Are you a bully toward yourself in your own head?

Do you say things to yourself over and over, such as...

"That was stupid. Why did you say that."
"Don't tell him how you really feel because you'll end up pushing him away."
"If you looked more like her, then you would be more worthy of their attention and approval."
"Agree with them, so you'll fit in and have some girlfriends for once in your life. Stop being so freaking weird!"

Not so nice, huh... Ever wonder where this mean inner critic voice and self-talk stem from?

It comes from your childhood, my love. Your past childhood trauma and past abusive relationship trauma.

That voice is not your adult self today. It's actually the little 7-year-old girl, 15-year-old, or 21-year-old crying out for your acknowledgment and love. She's the one running the show in your life today, calling all the shots in just about every area of your life.

And a lot of the shots she's calling aren't in your best interest because she's afraid, worried, insecure, and doesn't feel safe, seen or understood.

If you have been feeling frustrated, scared, lonely, etc., in life and your relationships. You need to take a step back and reconnect with your little girl within. She needs you.

Once she feels that you see her, have her back, are her protector, and love, accept and approve of her unconditionally. Your present and future will start to feel more safe, fun, loving, exciting, and limitless!

You can't create and live the life you really desire if you keep suppressing and running from yourself and your past. Instead, my love, you have to process, heal, and clear it.

When you do this deep inner-healing work, you'll be in awe of how you end up rediscovering the truth of who you are and how you start living from a place of empowerment, confidence, and authenticity. This version of you is your purpose in life and what you are here to rediscover.

If I've been able to rediscover her in myself and lots of other women in this group have, then without a doubt YOU can too!!

For the past six years, I've been helping women heal from their past and rediscover their true self-worth, value, and confidence in 'A Confident Woman Unleashed,' my 90 Day Signature Program. If you are ready to do the same, I invite you to schedule a free 30 minute Clarity Call with me here to learn your next steps!




How to Take Your Power Back From Emotional and Verbal Abuse


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