Create A Life & Relationship You’re Worthy Of & DESERVE.

life coach for single women
Nikki McMillan supports single women with Life and Self-Confidence Coaching, helping adults to heal childhood trauma

If you’re FED UP with putting yourself last, wasting your valuable time and energy on the wrong men, playing small because you’re afraid to fail, or upset others - I can help you!

My client is the following..

  • Single woman

  • Have a pattern of attracting emotionally unavailable men

  • Are afraid to speak and stand up for yourself

  • Struggle with setting healthy boundaries and raising your standards in relationships

  • Struggle with self-doubt, anxiety and uncertainty

  • Have low self-worth and confidence

  • Lack self-trust and self-belief

  • Have a habit of people-pleasing, making others a priority at the cost of your own mental, emotional, physical, and even financial well-being

  • Have a habit of self-sabotaging behavior

  • Lack clarity on your next chapter in life


Here’s what my clients say


Over the past few months Nikki has helped me completely transform my life - I went from having almost zero confidence coming out of a emotionally and verbally abusive relationship to having the most zest for life I've ever had!

She provided amazing guidance, support, and just the right amount of brutal honesty when I needed to be called out on my 'BS'. But she did so with an amazing amount of grace and intuition making it so, so easy to show up for myself. She's the real deal, and I cannot recommend her enough.

I feel like I've found my light again and can't imagine going back to the old version of me. I'll be forever grateful to her for showing me that, although it's not easy work, it is the most rewarding and fulfilling work you'll ever do.

Working with Nikki is like fast tracking yourself to exactly where you're supposed to be - it's been a wonderful ride and I am so excited to see where I take myself with these new skills and confidence. xo

Kira Maros

Client testimonial for Nikki McMillan, a Life and Confidence Coach for Single Women
life coach for single women

Hi, I’m Nikki.

For the last 8 years, I’ve been helping single women, just like you, rediscover their TRUE self-worth and confidence after experiencing major abandonment and neglect in both their childhood and adulthood relationships.

In “A Confident Woman Unleashed,” my 90-Day Signature Program, I teach my clients step-by-step how to process, heal, and overcome their past so they can finally create the life and relationship they’re worthy of and DESERVE.

If you’re 100% ready and committed to taking this journey of self-discovery, book a FREE 30-Minute Clarity Call with me today to learn your next steps!


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Here’s what my clients say